Plastic Free Jersey Business

Since 2018 we’ve been championing local businesses who are becoming more sustainable and shifting away from single-use plastics. We’ve seen more and more companies make the decision to become a Plastic Free Jersey Business, and use our toolkit to help them transition to become more eco-friendly workspaces.

There are simple actions that make immediate impact when it comes to removing single-use plastics - not just from an environmental point of view, but also from a business point of view. Consumers are more informed than ever and are actively choosing to spend their money with businesses who care about the environment.

We’ve made it really simple for you to join our Plastic Free Jersey Business community - Just identify three actions you’ve taken to reduce or remove single-use plastics in your workspace, let us know by filling in the ‘Commit your support’ form below. Once we’ve verified your submission, we’ll send you a certificate to celebrate your success.

If you’ve already reduced single-use plastics as much as possible at work - please share those actions in the form below and commit to three climate positive actions within the workplace.

Our Plastic Free Jersey business community